Vishesh Films land up with their latest offering ‘Blood Money’. The film is no novel at all and nothing new offers for the entertainment of the viewers. The film carries the same time and tested formula which Vishesh Films has been endowing the audiences with for ages. Blood Money is the story of a middle class guy who wants the luxuries of life and finally gets wrapped up with the world of crimes. A number of times, Hindi moviegoers have watched it on screen and in Bhatts’ movies, it is often seen. They are the master of this trade and the same they used to get a hit. But the question jumps up in the mind – would they be successful this time around with the old formulaic theme? The answer is simple – ‘no’ since the enterprise contains the poor script, mundane direction and offers no novelty. It is not a sparkling wine which attracts to be drunk.

Blood Money is about Kunal (Kunal Khemu) and his wife Arzoo (Amrita Puri). He gets a job at a leading diamond export company in Cape Town. The firm is run by Zaveri (Manish Chaudhari) and his brother Dinesh (Sandip Sikcand). Both move to the place where Kunal gets the lavish perks out of his job which include a luxurious mansion, swanky vehicle and all the luxuries which money confers you with. Gradually he is being dragged into the world of crime. How he manages to gush out of it is what forms Blood Money.
Admit, the passion of the leading guy of dreaming big is well-showcased but the writer and the director could not sustain the rest of the film grippingly. The first half of the film is appealing (not up to the expectations and the standards of viewers nonetheless has some life). The post interval portion lacks worth and carries many flaws. The heroism has been shown to such height which is not absorbing and one cannot swallow it at all. The hero, despite getting stabbed brutally, gives the bigger fists to the hefty henchmen of the villain. The tattered hero easily manages to flee from the office taking the important documents along whereas no security guards are in place at the premises. The writer could have engaged the viewer with riveting script but nothing of this sort happened.
Vishal Mahadkar’s job as a director is not satisfactorily. He disappoints the moviegoers utterly by not letting them watch a good piece of cinematic work. We have been witnessing the debutante directors making their mark tremendously in recent times and the same was being expected from Mahadkar. But he unfortunately thwarted the audiences. Upendra Sidhaye makes the movie lackluster due to the faulty, time and tested and boring script.
Bhatts are famous for offering the music lovers soothing piece of music. With Blood Money, they continue with their successful fashion by churning out melodious songs to hear. Jeet Ganguly, Sangeeth Haldipur and Pranay score the album. Nigam Bomzan attracts with cinematography. The eye-candy locales of Cape Town inject into the hearts.
Kunal Khemu shows his confidence as an actor. He acts with ease and conviction. Amrita Puri is fine and grabs the attention. She has potential to penetrate into the industry with her acting class. Manish Chaudhuri enacts well. Sandiip Sikcand justifies his part with finesse. Mia Uyeda is sizzling. Others too impress with their roles.
Final Verdict by the Critic:
Blood Money is boring fiesta with old time and tested formula. With faulty script and poor direction, it offers nothing to appeal the viewers.
Star Cast : Kunal Khemu, Amrita Puri
Director : Vishal Mahadkar
Producer : Mukesh Bhatt
Music Director : Jeet Gannguli
Audio : Sony Music
Genre : Thriller
Release Date : 30th March, 2012